> Sectors

Engineering for segregation projects

Engineering for segregation projects plays a fundamental role in the proper management and optimization of land use. At Engind, we focus on the process of dividing properties into smaller units, paying close attention to every legal and technical aspect involved. Our specialization ranges from detailed analysis of the land to the implementation of strategies that ensure viability and compliance with existing urban planning regulations.

Services in the engineering sector for segregation projects

What do we take care of?


Urban design and planning:

  • Consultancy urban planning and advice
  • Preliminary studies
  • Development of urbanization project
  • Plot regularization

Legalization of an existing installation


Management of urban projects:

  • Energy efficiency and sustainability
  • Processing of permits and work licenses
  • Advice for safety and risk prevention

Engind and Engineering for Segregation Projects

At Engind, we offer a segregation projects. We design strategies that meet all the environmental and urban regulations, we execute the work project and we provide ongoing advice until the favorable report is obtained.

Our team of specialized engineers and architects provides personalized advice for each project, determining the most effective strategies to optimize the segregation process and minimize its environmental impact. This includes the selection of sustainable construction methods and the adoption of digital technologies for one effective planning and management of the segregation process.

Our objective is to assist owners and developers in the creation of plots legally defined and viable. Additionally, we promote the implementation of advanced solutions and innovative technologies that facilitate the efficiency and sustainability of the segregation process.

Engind is your strategic ally, providing extensive experience in engineering and a strong commitment to sustainability, to support the development and success of your segregation project. We are dedicated to guiding you through the complex environment regulatory and innovation, ensuring that your segregation project is carried out successfully in this specialized and dynamic field.

Engineering for the Paper Industry
Types of companies in the sector with which we have worked
  • Cellulose pulp production for paper production
  • Manufacture of paper and cardboard for various applications
  • Production of containers and packaging of paper and cardboard
  • Manufacture of paper and cardboard products for domestic, sanitary and hygienic use
  • Manufacture of personalized stationery products
  • Wallpaper and decorative production
  • Printing and graphic design services
  • Paper and cardboard waste management and recycling services
Engineering for the Paper Industry
Engineering for the Paper Industry
Engineering for the Paper Industry
Engineering for the Paper Industry
Engineering for the Textile Industry

Maximize the potential of your land with Engind.

Get your Engineering for Segregation Projects and properly manage your properties.

Why count on Engind for your Segregation Project?

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Engind have years of experience in the field of industrial engineering, which means they have in-depth knowledge and a wide range of skills in this field.

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technical excellence

Engind strives to maintain a high level of technical excellence in all of its projects, ensuring that the latest technologies and methods are used to achieve the best results.

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Customer satisfaction

Engind aims to ensure customer satisfaction, which means they will work with you to understand your needs and make sure your projects are completed on time and on budget.

Some Engineering Projects for Segregation Projects