About Engine

The value of experience and constant innovation

Our mission

ENGIND has a mission to serve its customers by providing construction engineering solutions, facilities and their licenses, always with the best human and technical team and having a corporate social attitude that facilitates business implementation in the territory.

We offer comprehensive industrial engineering services for our clients, making them feel supported and calm at all times thanks to the professionalism of a highly qualified team prepared for any unforeseen event.

Our vision



ENGIND aspires to be an outstanding company in the world of construction engineering services, with special attention to cutting-edge technology and digitization that allows great speed and service with a high commitment to detail and quality.



We are distinguished by our constant search to solve the problems of our clients and we make them ours. We are all one team. We always try to improve. We are technological both in management and in the application of new technologies in construction engineering. We trust the processes and digitization.

industrial construction scaled e1676301420423

satisfied customers

m2 built

years of experience

completed projects

«At ENGIND we believe in continuous and direct treatment, as the best way to successfully fulfill the needs and objectives of the clients who require our services.»

Delfi López Llinás, Founder of Engind