He Fire Safety Regulations in Industrial Establishments (RSCIEI) is a key regulation for fire protection in industrial facilities. In its new version scheduled for 2025, the regulation introduces important changes that reinforce safety. In this article, we will analyze the 8 most relevant new features of the new RSCIEI and how these can impact your industrial activity.
If you need advice to adapt your establishment to these new regulations, consult our service fire safety projects.
1. Greater demands on active protection
The new RSCIEI increases the requirements for systems active protection, such as fire extinguishers, detectors, alarms or sprinklers, and in the passive protectionThese changes seek to minimize risks and ensure a more effective response to a fire, especially in establishments with high fire load or critical activity.
Taking these steps not only protects your facilities, but can also reduce your industrial insurance premiums.
2. Higher fire load in calculations
According to the draft published in 2023, the fire load calculations are based on values present in the Regulation that are higher than the value of the current Regulation. Therefore, the fire load calculations will give higher values, it is estimated that a Current Medium Risk 5 could be a High Risk 7 or 8. This entails the requirement contemplated in the previous point.
3. Changes in initial and periodic inspections
One of the most significant changes in the new regulations is the obligation to carry out an initial inspection prior to the start-up of certain industrial establishments. In addition, periodic inspections will be adjusted according to the risk level of the establishment, which benefits those considered low risk.
Main changes in inspections:
- Initial inspection: It will be mandatory to ensure that the installation complies with all safety measures from the beginning.
- Adjusted periodicity: For low-risk establishments, periodic inspections will be reduced from every 3 years to every 5 years.

4. Compatibility with the Technical Building Code (CTE)
The new RSCIEI improves integration with the Basic Fire Safety Document (DB-SI) of the CTE, unifying criteria and facilitating the joint application of both regulations. This includes aspects such as evacuation, structural fire resistance and safety distances.
If your establishment needs adjustments to comply with these regulations, our team at Engine can advise you at all stages of the project.
5. Fire Sectors
Good news is the increase in maximum built surfaces for each fire sector, which increases significantly. However, in certain cases it will be related to greater active protection, each case will have to be studied in detail.
A new variable has appeared, which is the appearance of a new classification of building type, the “Ah”, horizontal type A building, which receives improved treatment compared to the current Type “A”.
6. Evacuation routes
Fire evacuation routes will be longer than in the current Regulations. They will be extended to 70m with two alternative exits, with a single exit they would be 40m.
7. Halls of Independence
Independent vestibules between fire sectors with industrial use would not be necessary if the occupancy in the sector of origin does not exceed 25 occupants.
8. Sprinkler design
The application of the applicable UNE standard is reinforced, with the application of FM and NFPA being conditional on the presentation of an equivalent safety study.
Getting ready for the new RSCIEI 2025
The new RSCIEI is scheduled to come into force one month after its publication in the BOE, with transitional periods for the implementation of certain measures. This gives companies limited time to adapt their facilities and processes to the new requirements. It is essential to initiate changes as soon as possible to avoid sanctions or interruptions in operations.
In Engine, we are specialists in the adaptation of industrial installations to safety regulations. Check out our service fire fighting projects and ensure compliance of your facilities with the new RSCIEI.
He new RSCIEI 2025 brings significant changes that reinforce security, if you have questions about how to implement these measures or need technical advice, in Engine We are ready to help you. Visit our page fire safety projects for more information.